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BluePlanet Web Services


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Web Services by BluePlanet

Web Design
Size Design
1 Page $195
2 Pages $270
3 Pages $300
Additional Pages $50

A page may be 2 screens (60cm) in length and contain 4 primary graphics and 30 links.


Web Hosting on Planet Online
Size Setup Fee Yearly Fee
1Mb $20 $65
Over 1Mb N/A $12.00 per Mb

Domain Names and Email Addresses on Planet Online
Domain/Address Setup Fee Running Fee
Domain Name $10 $25 per year
Email Address $10 Each $3 per month

When applying for a domain name or email address, you have a choice of laopdr.com/.org/.net

Web Page Extras
Elements Price
Frame $20 ea.
Extra Links $1 ea.
Extra Graphics $8 ea.
Site Search $75
Scroll Menu $25
Page Updates $20
Page Redesign $50
Ftp to Remote Host $10 session

Web Page Extras - On Request
Animations - Flash/Gif
Flash components
Foreign Language Coding
Image Maps
Java Scripting

For more information regarding these additional features, please

Web and Email Advertising
Banners on laopdr.com website    
Top Banner on Laopdr home page $40/month
Top Banners = $30/month
Side Banners = $15/month
Animation extra = $20/banner
HTML Email Ads
1 Screen (30cm) = $25
2 Screens ( 60cm) + $50
Listings on Laopdr.com Website
Name and contact info = $10/year
Email link = $10/year
Graphic = $ 10/year
Website link = $50/year
Additional information $ 10 per 100 characters/year
For Hosted Website Customers Only
Weblisting on relevant laopdr sites = FREE    
Email link =FREE    
1 graphic  = FREE    
Website link = FREE

Featured Websites
The Boat Landing Guest House in Luang Namtha